Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 10 - Botanical Garden and outdoor mall

Today we got a late start and couldn't fit in what we wanted to.   But we made it to the Kyoto Botanical Gardens one hour before closing. It was a bit of a bus trip there and then walking a few blocks.  Cody was the premier guide and navigator, always able to figure out which route to take and asking for help with his Japanese phrase book when necessary.

Although the weather was hot and extremely humid, we pushed through the discomfort to be outside all day.  We made it to the gardens at 3:00 and only had an hour as they closed at 4:00 p.m.  But it was worth it.  They have amazing lilly pads that have leaves at least a foot wide and flowers and leaves that grow about 5 ft out of the water. 

After leaving, we headed back toward the hotel by way of an outdoor mall. We saw these in other towns.  They seem to be down an alley but with a see through arched roof over them; they are open-ended.  They have different kinds of shops including normal clothing, etc, and eateries along with traditional things.  It was packed with people.  If you want to see a little more about it, take this link:

Outdoor alley malls.

At a stand in the mall they serve the famous octopus balls (takoyaki).
Mae and Cody had them twice!

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